Monday, July 7, 2008

4th of July

We started our 4th bright and early. I ran the 10K in Provo and Chris and Sophie came to watch

We then headed to watch the parade with the Pfunder family. Sophie slept through the whole thing.

After the parade we went home to work in the yard. Our sod was just installed! Sophie also has started smiling a litttle and we caught her smiling in the car on the way home.

Here is where the yard is at so far.

At night we drove back down to Provo to watch the fireworks at the stadium of fire with Chris's family. We sat right outside the stadium and had a great view of the fireworks. Sophie didn't even flinch. She was so good and they didn't scare her.


karlin said...

Good job on the 10k! Your yard looks great too.

Unknown said...

She's smiling! sooo cute! I can't believe she's almost 3 months already. Time flies.

Tara McLean Derricott said...

Your yard looks really good... almost as good as Sophie! What a doll!