Friday, January 2, 2009

Christmas Vacation

This year instead of doing Christmas presents we took a few days and went to California (LA) to enjoy some warmth and sunshine. We left the day after Christmas and right as a big storm was moving out that dumped 2 feet of snow at the house.

We took Sophie to "Beverly Hills" and Rodeo Drive

Took in the sunset at Santa Monica Pier

Visited the Ronald Reagan Library where they had his Air Force One plane that we could tour, as well as a section of the Berlin Wall that he was part of bringing down. They also had lots of cool memorabilia/archive stuff and personal items of President and Nancy Reagan.

Soaking up the sun on the library patio

Air Force One

The Reagan Library is located in the Santa Monica Mountains, we were close to the Paramount Ranch where they filmed Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman (Yes I like Dr Quinn) so I had to stop by, much of the town sets are still there and they use them now for western movies.

If you've seen the show you will recognize the areas filmed in my pictures.

We spent a day at the Getty Center seeing art and soaking up the sun again.

Our last day we went to Laguna Beach the clouds started rolling in and it was cooler out, so we timed the nice weather perfectly. Back to our snow and 20 degree weather.


karlin said...

fun trip! i love all of sophie's stroller pictures.

Nate and Kelly said...

she's so big, Anneka! Erin tells me she's wonderful in every way... what a fun idea to take her pic next to all the spots while she's in the stroller. I'm going to have to copy you!

Tracy the GREAT said...

They grow up way too fast, don't they? Sophie is so dang cute! The sun looks sooooo great right now. Fun fun fun.